to determine the effect of
relative humidity on sample at various
Computerised Humidity chamber to determine the
effect of relative humidity on sample at various
Size of the working chamber : 18 inch X 18 inch
x 24 inch*
Material of construction : Inner bath: S.S
Outer body: M.S
Humidity range : 20% RH to 95% RH.
Temperature range : 10ºC to 85ºC
Compressor : CFC free.
Direct display and printout through
microcontroller : Set RH, Actual RH, Set
temperature and Actual temperature. Graphic
display and printout through PC: In addition to
the above values, % RH and Temperature Vs Time
graph could be obtained by attaching a printer
to the PC.
Paint : Powder coated.
Power : 230 Volts, 50 Hz, Single phase.

Equipment with other capacities could
also be supplied as per the requirement. |